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Epic Warlock Archetype Features


Archfey: Epic Feystep

At 25th level, when in a forest or in the Feyrealm, you can spend an action to teleport yourself and a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus to another area of the same forest. You cannot use this feature again for 1 minute. 

  In addition, you may spend 10 minutes performing a ritual that teleports (as the spell) you and a number of willing creatures equal to double your proficiency bonus from one forest to another forest. 


Archfey: Feylike

At 30th level, the fey powers you’ve mastered suffuse your form. Attack rolls against you have disadvantage. When a creature hits you with an attack, this feature stops working until the end of your next turn. This feature also stops working while you are incapacitated or your speed is reduced to 0.


Celestial: Holy Secrets

At 25th level, the revelations from your experiences with celestial energies have yielded potent knowledge that protects your very soul. You gain resistance to necrotic damage, advantage on Death saving throws, and you advantage on saving throws made against spells cast by fiends.


Celestial: Angelic Wings

At 30th level, you can sprout a pair of spectral angel wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to twice your walking speed. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn. They last until you use a bonus action to dismiss them. Your spectral wings manifest through whatever you are wearing.


Curseblade: Epic Cursing

At 25th level, you become damn good at cursing. When you use your curseblade archetype feature to curse a creature, you can choose two of the benefits instead of one. At 30th level, you gain all three benefits when you curse a creature.


Curseblade: Curse of Undeath

At 30th level, when you slay a creature and use your curseblade archetype feature to raise it as an undead, instead of creating a specter you can choose any undead of a CR equal to half or less than the creature’s original CR.


Fiend: Fiendskin

At 25th level, you grow a layer of unholy flesh just beneath your skin. After you take damage or deal damage with a spell the meat just under the surface bubbles up, turning you red and increasing your AC by 3 until 1 minute after combat ends.


Fiend: Fiend Horde

At 30th level, you may simultaneously have up to 4 imp familiars, although each requires its own casting of the find familiar spell. 
In addition, the weapon attacks of your imps score a critical hit on a roll of 17–20.


Genie: Double Patronage

At 25th level, once per week when you finish a long rest, you may choose a second type of genie for your archetype. You gain all the benefits of this second genie type until you change it to another genie type.


Genie: More Wishes

At 30th level, you regain the use of your final genie archetype feature whenever you finish a long rest.


Great Old One: Powerful Telepath

At 25th level, your capacity for touching other minds becomes remarkable. You can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see, regardless of whether it knows or shares a language with you.

  In addition, you can use an action to disorient a creature you can see. The creature must make an Intelligence saving throw against your wizard spell save DC or be disoriented for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus. A disoriented creature loses any types of vision other than regular vision (a creature with only blindsight gains regular vision). In addition, it suffers a –2 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and ability checks.

  Once you have used this feature against a creature, for the next 24 hours it has advantage on saving throws made to resist it.


Great Old One: Elder Horrors

At 30th level, you can strike terror into the heart of any creature, even those without hearts. Targets that have a feature or trait that grants advantage on saving throws against fear effects do not gain advantage when making saving throws to avoid being frightened by you. Creatures immune to fear are not immune to being frightened by you, though they have advantage on saving throws to resist the condition. Other creatures have disadvantage when making saving throws to resist being frightened of you (if a creature would usually have advantage, it rolls normally instead). 


Immortal: Undead Soul

At 25th level, you no longer need to breathe and you gain immunity to necrotic damage. 

  In addition, you have advantage on saving throws made against necromancy spells as well as the attacks and traits of undead creatures, and undead have disadvantage on saving throws made to resist spells that you cast.


Immortal: Endless Life

At 30th level, you do not age, cannot suffer from frailty of old age, die from old age, or be aged magically. 


Lurker: Bizarre Singularity

At 25th level, you can use an action to manifest a psionic singularity for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus. Choose a creature you can see within 30 feet. All creatures within 60 feet of the target must succeed at a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or be compelled to approach the target by the most direct route possible and attack it with natural weapons or melee weapons. At the end of a creature’s turn if this path leads it into a dangerous area or if it is attacked by anyone else but the target, the creature may immediately make a new saving throw. At the end of its turn, each compelled creature repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. When the duration of the psionic singularity ends or a creature makes a new saving throw it is no longer compelled. This is not a charm effect and creatures immune to the charmed condition are not immune to this feature. 

  Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


Lurker: Explosive Mind

At 30th level, when you take a critical hit or take more than half your maximum hit points in damage from a single attack or spell, your mind roils outward in a 30-foot radius of painful psionic feedback. Creatures in the area make a Charisma saving throw against your warlock spell save DC, taking 10d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. If you are still conscious, you can use your reaction to choose a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier to take no damage from this feature. 


Seeker: Repository of Knowledge

Starting at 25th level, your mind becomes exceptionally keen. Whenever you make an Intelligence check, you can treat a d20 roll of half your warlock level or lower as half your warlock level. In addition, you have advantage on ability checks you make that use Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion.


Seeker: Find Witness

At 30th level, you can use an action to pluck along the chords of fate, following them to reveal those who witnessed past events. As long as you remain motionless, the events of the past reveal themselves to you. Remaining motionless requires a Constitution saving throw every 5 rounds (DC 5 + 1 per previous check) as if concentrating on a spell. 

  • After 1 minute you can sense the strongest or most recent emotion associated with an area or object you are touching. 

  • After 2 minutes you can glean the general features of the creature the emotion belongs to. 

  • After 3 minutes you have a clear mental image of the creature the emotion belongs to.

  • After 4 minutes you learn the creature’s basic details (where it lives, how it spends its days, and so on).

  • After 5 minutes you learn the creature’s real name, as well as any common nicknames or false names that it uses.


Undead: Undead Servant

At 25th level, you gain the services of an undead companion of a Challenge Rating no higher than your proficiency bonus. An undead companion may gain 1 level in the fighter class (champion archetype) for every point of Challenge Rating it has less than your proficiency bonus. In addition, if its Intelligence score is normally 8 or less, its Intelligence score changes to 8. When your undead companion is destroyed, you must wait one week before recruiting a new one.


Undead: Undead Soul

At 30th level, you no longer need to breathe and you gain immunity to necrotic damage. 

  In addition, you have advantage on saving throws made against necromancy spells as well as the attacks and traits of undead creatures, and undead have disadvantage on saving throws made to resist spells that you cast.

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